I am an extremely caring, warm, open, helpful, respectful, supportive, encouraging, hardworking and compassionate person. I am very passionate about helping people…well. Helping people to reduce their suffering is important to me. I will want to understand the unique way you are suffering or struggling to cope. I work hard to help those who decide to work with me, whether you are my client, colleague, supervisee, fellow team member or a workshop participant in a workshop I am running. I understand the importance of engaging you with warmth and compassion from the moment I say hello in the waiting room of our practice, in supervision, in a team meeting, in a GP meet and greet, or in a workshop. I also understand the importance of working collaboratively with you to help you change your life for the better. I look for these values when I employ colleagues and staff to work with me in the practice to help you and others who come to our service.
I and the team at ST & A Psychology Manly and ST & A Psychology St Leonards are passionate about preventing you, as our client, from dropping out of therapy prematurely (before you have done the work to get well, stay well and prevent relapsing into previous patterns of unhelpful behaviours/dysfunction or issues which you had previously learnt to manage better through therapy and new psychological skills learnt. By focussing on this with you and all of our clients, we help people…well, to obtain improved outcomes from therapy and maintain those improved outcomes at follow up. The average number of sessions clients attend psychological therapy for in Australia is just 5 sessions. Research informs us that for 50% of clients in therapy to get well and stay well, they require 13-18 sessions on average. For the remaining 50% of clients to improve (reduce their symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress, improve their satisfaction with life and sustain their change in unhelpful behaviours (maintain their improvement over time), more than 18 sessions is required. On average our clients attend for 15 sessions of therapy.